--------------翻譯: vsvs------------- 

CEO Questions from the Exscudo Community 
exscudo CEO 對於社群成員提問的回覆:


[2:28] TREVOR LAIRD : #1 What is the status of eon 2.0? A white paper was meant to be delivered months ago but still nothing is released. 
(訪談主持人)TREVOR LAIRD :請問,EON 2.0目前的狀態如何?白皮書上指出EON2.0相關的資訊應該要釋出,但目前仍未釋出任何相關資訊。

ANDREW ZIMINE: Before we start I want to apologize for my English. And I tried to make an explanation for the questions in simple words. [Poor Audio] To your question about 2.0, it is almost ready and the network is in final testing. But it does not mean we are ready to bring this network and node to public. It’s been this we had more work than this. I tried to explain something what we have new in 2.0. It’s the [Poor Audio] library. It’s a log in architecture which our customers, our users to add and change functionality on the fly.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 在我們開始前,我要向大家說聲抱歉,我的英文並不是很好,我會盡量用易於理解的文字來說明。針對關於EON2.0的問題,現在EON2.0幾乎已經準備就緒,目前正在進行最後階段的測試,但這並不代表我們已經準備好要將EON2.0網路與節點公開,我們還有很多相關工作必須要執行。我會嘗試解釋EON2.0內有的新功能....這是我們的顧客能夠即時增加紀錄訊息的技術。

ANDREW ZIMINE: The network beyond 2.0 and 1.0 will be fully compatible. After starting the network configuration, we can easily adjust functionality. The old network and new network is fully compatible and users will have easier work and functionality in both networks. Also in 2.0, now we try to solve some problems in Exscudo systems for the 2.0 release. That’s one of the reasons why we haven’t published a white paper beyond 2.0. Also what’s new in this technology and the technology regarding EON 2.0 it’s a new protocol, a financial protocol called [Name Ommited pending release] I will not say much about this. I think we will publish some information about this protocol later. I’m thinking June of this summer. 


ANDREW ZIMINE: EON2.0與EON1.0將完全相容,當啟動網路配置後,我們可以輕易地調整各項功能。舊網路與新網路之間完整相容,使用者將可以輕易的在兩個網路內工作與使用各項功能。我們正嘗試解決一些釋出EON2.0前必須解決的系統問題,這是我們沒有公佈EON2.0白皮書的其中一個原因。關於EON2.0技術新增的內容,EON 2.0是一個新的協定,一個金融用的協定,我不打算說太多關於這方面的訊息,我會在之後公佈更多關於這個協定的資訊,應該是今年夏天(2019)六月的時候。

ANDREW ZIMINE: But in few words, what is this Protocol - it’s a special financial protocol developed especially for transactions in the finance sphere. We are not specially testing the quantitive transactions but it’s much more, can make any network in the world. It’s not 10k or 100k transactions per seconds because it’s behond this in the scope relating to our products. This protocol can make and work with so much more transactions than what people think. I think it’ll take about half a year for testing, and this summer we are planning to invite developers for public - not public but private testing.
TREVOR LAIRD: Back testing.

ANDREW ZIMINE: Maybe somebody [Poor Audio] to this protocol. And finally, this summer as I’ve said before, we’re going to publish White Paper EON 2.0.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 簡而言之,這個協議是一個專為金融交易而開發的特殊協議。 我們並不單只針對大量的交易量,這個協議可以做得更多,它可以產生世界上任何的區塊鏈網路系統。 這個系統不是用每秒10k或100k的交易來計算,它與我們的產品有關聯性。實際上這個協議可以產生和處理比人們想像的更多的交易。我認為這個協議需要大約半年的時間進行測試,而今年夏天我們計劃邀請開發人員進行私人測試。總而言之,這個夏天,我們預計會釋出EON2.0白皮書

TREVOR LAIRD: Yeah it makes sense to wait until it’s ready before releasing it.


TREVOR LAIRD : 是的,這相當合理,我們需要等待一切都準備好時再釋出。


[7:00] TREVOR LAIRD #2 A major concern that the community has is the current plan for Exscudo to market itself. How important is the marketing of Exscudo and it’s products? What plans do you have to for marketing in 2019? 



ANDREW ZIMINE: This is a really good question. I’ll be honest I’ll try to answer on this part your question like it was. The focus of our team and the product is the service. And as everybody knows we had some difficulties in the beginning,legal,regulitory.That’s one of the reasons why we decided to make the focus of developing and on technical issues. And only after that I made more focus for marketing. And as we can see, the community is concerned. Marketing[??] has been the key topic for our internal discussions as well. Our approach is quite clear. Of course we have to develop the product, as I said before, and only after have the product we’ll start with full scale marketing activities. We changed some team members in the marketing department and it’s an improvement. I see his duty after a couple of months. He brings new life to the product. And I think the people and the customers and the clients will see results beginning of this summer. What we’ve developed all this time, I mean last month. After this interview I have publishing some information in text for people to read regarding marketing.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 這是一個很好的問題,我會盡力回答關於這個問題的實情。我們的團隊和產品聚焦於真實的服務本身,我相信每個人都知道我們在開始時遇到許多的困難,其中包含合法性與政府的監管,這是也是為什麼我們決定聚焦在研發與解決問題,只有在這些事都處理後,我們才會更聚焦於市場行銷。正如我們所見,社區所關注的市場行銷問題也同樣是我們內部所關注的議題。我們的方法很明確,我們必須先開發產品,正如我先前所說,只有在擁有產品後,我們才會開始啟動全面性的市場行銷活動。我們改變了部分市場行銷部門的成員,這是一個正確的決定,幾個月後,我看見他達成使命,為產品帶來了新的生命。我認為群眾、顧客與用戶端在這個夏天都會開始看到成果,那些我們持續在開發的產品。我的意思是上個月,在這次採訪之後,我發布了一些關於市場行銷的內容提供給人們閱讀。

TREVOR LAIRD: Yeah with somebody new on board for marketing I could imagine there’s going to be some new things coming this summer, so that’s exciting. Very exciting. Go ahead. 



ANDREW ZIMINE: I would like to say some 0 numbers that will have some final result, that we have agreed upon marketing. Thats the case of mind in this direction. But I don’t have the particular numbers for this marketing plan because only in this month we signed this plan in house, in company. 

TREVOR LAIRD: Okay so, the focus obviously was on products and now you’re just starting to move into the marketing now that you’re confident with the products. That makes sense. So we have to wait.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 我想說市場行銷的最終結果會許多資金投入,我們已經同意營銷。 這就是我們的決心。 但我沒有市場行銷計畫應投入的預計總金額,這個月,我們內部簽署了這個計劃。

TREVOR LAIRD:好的,重點顯然在於產品,現在你開始進入市場營銷,代表你對這些產品充滿信心,這相當合理,我們會等待你們的好消息。




[10:41] TREVOR LAIRD: #3 Are there any plans to partner with any US based banks or get licenses to operate in the US? 


TREVOR LAIRD:有任何關於與美國的銀行合作或取得美國方面許可證的計畫嗎?

ANDREW ZIMINE: It’s not so easy. It’s really complicated to work with the US. Yes, we have plans to work with the US, some states but not particular ones. The work is generaly difficult as I said before, having the opportunity to work with the legal system. After consulting with American lawyers, we decided not to work with the US citizens in a number of other states. I expect that this year we will be able to work as a [Audio Poor] In the US. This is the simplest entry to the American market, because there is a legal system in each state. That’s why is completely realistic. The job applications can be considered [Audio Poor]. For this work, make it one license for all states of the US, this is, like I said before, a simple way to work in the markets and work with people to make service to people in the US and other countries like Canada.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 這實在不太容易,關於要與美國合作這件事真的非常複雜。是的,我們有計畫與美國方面合作,一些洲但不是整個美國。這些工作非常複雜,正如我先前所述,然而我們有些機會可以與金融監理機構合作。在與美國律師諮詢後,我們決定放棄與美國許多洲合作。我們預期今年可以在美國以特定的身分開啟我們在美國的業務,這是進入美國市場最簡單的方法,因為美國每個洲都有自己的法律制度,這個方式完全是非常實際的,這項工作可以作為開啟與美國所有洲業務的一個許可證,正如我先前所述,這是一個進入市場的簡單方式,和別人合作以提供美國的公民相關服務,同時也可以提供服務給其他的國家,例如:加拿大。

TREVOR LAIRD: Yeah I can imagine the licensing especially with some states like New York and California being different and every state being different it could be fairly difficult. 


TREVOR LAIRD: 是的,我可以想像申請許可證的困難度,特別是像紐約和加州等一些州,每個州的法律都不同,這相當困難。

ANDREW ZIMINE: Sometimes the cost for a license in one of the states is about one million US dollars. And if you decide to work with all states - but not all states in the US work with cryptocurrencies. It’s expensive, you can work with only some numbers, it’s about 20 or 25 states in the US. Just to mention if you work with for example 25 states you need $35 million in entry capital to receive a license. 


ANDREW ZIMINE:在其中一個州獲得許可證的費用約為100萬美元。 如果你決定與所有州合作 (但並非美國所有州都能使用加密貨幣)。 這非常昂貴,在美國大約20或25個州可以使用加密貨幣。 如果我們要與25個州合作,將會需要3500萬美元的資金才能獲得許可。

TREVOR LAIRD: It make’s sense, wow [laughs]



ANDREW ZIMINE: Yes. So work only in 3 or 4 states in the US. 


ANDREW ZIMINE: 是的,所以我們只會與美國3個或4個洲進行合作。

TREVOR LAIRD: Okay, and hopefully Canada is easier.


TREVOR LAIRD: 好的,希望加拿大會簡單一些。

ANDREW ZIMINE: But, Canada has their own special tariffs. 


ANDREW ZIMINE: 但,加拿大會有他們自己的特殊關稅。

TREVOR LAIRD: Well we have an election coming up so hopefully we’ll see a change.


TREVOR LAIRD: 好吧,我們即將有場選舉到來,希望我們能看到一些轉變。


[13:51] TREVOR LAIRD#4 Do you think the current signup process is smooth enough that users will be able to signup and begin using the exchange fast enough to satisfy their needs? Or do you think improvements can be made to make the process faster and more informative? 


TREVOR LAIRD: 您認為當前產品的用戶註冊申請流程在使用者體驗上是否流暢?目前 用戶可以快速申請交易所帳戶來滿足他們的需求嗎 ?又或您認為還可以改進並使申請流程更加快速,能提供更多的相關資訊嗎

ANDREW ZIMINE: It’s a hard question. 


ANDREW ZIMINE:這是一個非常困難的問題。

TREVOR LAIRD: People say it’s difficult, right?


TREVOR LAIRD:大家都說這很困難,對吧?

ANDREW ZIMINE: I’ll try to explain something. For example, the Channels application. Let me start to walk you with the Exscudo proccess and receive picture of which regulators ask of us. There is another picture that we have right now. When we developed KYC for channels we have another product and I tried to say which receive [Audio Poor] If we have more complex KYC procedures what we have. Government asks us to collect all the data about KYC. All this attention we attract, I forget this law, particularly it’s called DPR. We tried to make some user friendly procedures for KYC+ for our users and make easy use working with our services. If you don’t need to make big deposits, it’s not necessary to do all the steps of KYC. When you start to work with the simplest way after this, and after time you work with more deposits, it’ll take more documents or proof of your - I forget this word sorry. 


ANDREW ZIMINE: 我會嘗試提供一些解釋。例如: 我們的Channel 應用程式。讓我嘗試讓你們知道整個過程,我們受到關注,政府要求我們提供所有關於KYC的資料(DPR),我們嘗試


TREVOR LAIRD: Your identity based documents and your income based documents.


TREVOR LAIRD: 你的身分證明文件和你的收入證明文件

ANDREW ZIMINE:Yes. Proof of residence, for example. Proof of your income, proof of - not proof but verification of IDs, have ID or residency docs for that person. Because to decide when everyone will be clear [Audio Poor] 

ANDREW ZIMINE:是的。 例如: 居住證明、收入證明、身份證明等文件,這些文件會用來清楚證明個人的身份

ANDREW ZIMINE: And finally to answer your question - We tried to make this procedure less complicated - [audio cuts out] from me. Unfortunately I can’t this service and this procedure any better , as regulation increases over time it’s harder. 


ANDREW ZIMINE: 最後,我們嘗試將這個過程變得更簡易。但不幸的是,我們沒辦法提供那些服務讓過程更為簡易,因為隨著時間的推移,監管變得越來越嚴格。

TREVOR LAIRD: Yes because the laws for KYC continue to change and I can imagine the regulation especially in Europe and everywhere else is difficult. 


TREVOR LAIRD: 沒錯,因為KYC的法律持續在修正,我可以想像歐洲與其他各地的監管會變得越來越嚴格。

ANDREW ZIMINEL And not so [Audio Poor] In KYC procedures we have good opportunities for our users. When you pass and solve this procedure and pass the KYC you can use this in the future with different products. Users can use them in other services, like tranfers,payments, different services etc. 


ANDREW ZIMINEL: 在通過KYC過程後,我們為使用者提供了很好的機會。你可以在未來使用這些與眾不同的產品,這些產品可以提供使用者許多服務,像轉帳、支付等

TREVOR LAIRD: Yeah, that makes sense. And I think that people will get more used to KYC because almost every cryptocurrency product you have to do KYC, so overtime people should get more used to it


TREVOR LAIRD:是的,這是合理的。 而且我認為人們會更接受KYC,因為幾乎所有的加密貨幣產品都必須做KYC,所以隨著時間推移,KYC會成為人們的習慣。


TREVOR LAIRD: [18:47] #5 Currently the node system is not profitable due to lack of transactions. Do you believe the current masternode system still makes sense going forward? 


TREVOR LAIRD:  目前,因為缺乏交易量導致節點無法獲利,請問您是否認為目前的節點系統仍具有存在的價值?

ANDREW ZIMINE: Good question, by the way. I think for answering this question we need to start from the beginning. The question is what is the proposal commission, It does not depend on what proof you need.

ANDREW ZIMINE: 很好的問題,為了回答這個問題,我們需要重新開始介紹。這個問題在於什麼是提案委員會,他不取決於你需要什麼證明。

[video freeze]
TREVOR LAIRD: Should be back in one moment. 

TREVOR LAIRD: 音訊中斷,等一下應該會再恢復。

ANDREW ZIMINE: The commissions take only one proposal, like some regulatory network laws. The laws grow, the commission grows. The laws go down, the commission goes down. We’ve seen this situation a couple of years ago with Bitcoin. When people, customers paid big commissions because with the coin network it was our law. When we’re talking about EON nodes, in the first stage we decided to use this model of interest for our users. We decieded on many questions on how to set this up. (Audio Poor) The network cannot idealy work without commission. It does not mean we haven’t any amount of inherent nodes. We decided the biggest problem for different networks, I think more information on our website about EON 2.0 will reveal more soon. We’re not releasing the white paper because we wait our other projects and try to solve the problems in the core projects, like merchant terminals, like passport, like exchange, like merchant services. I think It will solve these issues.


ANDREW ZIMINE:  提案委員會只接受一種提案,他們等同一些網路的監管法律。當法律(驗證)使用量提升,傭金就提升。當法律(驗證)使用量下降,傭金就下降。數年前,我們曾經在比特幣上看過同樣的情況,因為加密貨幣網路是我們的法律,因此使用者在使用網路時需要支付大量的傭金。第一步,當我們討論到EON節點時,我們決定將這個令人感興趣的商業模型用於我們的用戶,在如何設置這個時我們處理了許多問題。這個網絡無法在沒有傭金的情況下運作,這並不代表我們沒有任何的既有節點。我們處理了不同網路的最大困難。我想更多的資訊關於我們的EON2.0網路將很快會釋出。我們還沒有釋出白皮書的原因是因為我們正在等待我們其他的產品開發完成,並且嘗試解決一些專案內的核心問題。例如: 商家終端系統、護照、交易所、商家服務等等。我相信這些會解決節點的問題。

(vsvs附註 : 我覺得指的是區塊鏈網路的節點類似於法律的效果,提供了整個網路正確性,當顧客使用網路時就需要支付傭金來取得驗證正確性的服務)

TREVOR LAIRD: Okay so there will be more information after that in 2.0. Makes sense.


TREVOR LAIRD: 沒問題,在2.0後我們將會有更多關於這方面的資訊,這很合理。


TREVOR LAIRD: [22:06] #6 Are there any new incentives for users to use our exchange? Referral schemes? Free trading? Things we can use to really encourage new users to flock to us?

TREVOR LAIRD: 未來是否會有任何新的獎勵措施來鼓勵使用者開始使用我們的交易所? 例如:推薦方案、免費交易等行銷活動,那些可以用來鼓勵使用者湧向我們的活動。


ANDREW ZIMINE: About any new incentives, I will be informing shortly about the big upgrades coming, both visual and function an important part of that upgrade is a very attractive referral program. We’ve also introduced a new coin market, Exchange market, a very attractive fee structure and some other options for our new traders. About option I mean the trading terminal. We are in the final stages of testing with some members of the community to see some interfaces to make some orders through the terminal. Also our goal is to become one of the most user oriented exchanges ,I can talk about this for a long time. I think it’s enough.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 關於新的獎勵措施,我很快將提供即將到來的大型升級,視覺和功能升級是這次升級的重要部分,這是一個非常有吸引力的推薦計劃。 我們還推出了新的硬幣市場,交易市場與非常有吸引力的收費結構以及其他的選項,提供給我們未來新加入的交易者。 關於選項,我的意思是交易終端。 我們正處於與社區的一些成員進行測試的最後階段,以驗證一些透過終端進行下單的介面。 我們的目標也是成為用戶最多的交易所之一,我可以花很多時間談論這個主題,但我想這樣就足夠了。


TREVOR LAIRD: Okay, no problem. I think the fact that you are focusing on the users is the important part.


TREVOR LAIRD:沒問題,我想你關注用戶的事實是很重要的一部分。


TREVOR LAIRD: [23:45] #7 What’s the status of the market maker to help with the liquidity?


TREVOR LAIRD:  請問關於能幫助創造市場流動性的市場創造者目前的狀況是?


ANDREW ZIMINE: It’s funny question for me because market maker is already working. But now the technology is still in a small stage and Can be seen in the spreads. And the minimum price in the individial pairs


ANDREW ZIMINE: 這對我來說是個很有趣的問題,因為市場創造者目前已經在運作中了。但這個科技仍然處於很初期的階段,你可以在個別的交易配對中發現最小價格。


[Audio Poor]

TREVOR LAIRD: So the market maker’s already starting now?


TREVOR LAIRD:所以,市場創造者現在已經啟動了嗎?


ANDREW ZIMINE: Yes it’s working on small volumes by the time the volume increases, but people need to understand that market maker makes more balance for the Market price. It does not make volume [Audio Poor] It’s designed for one purpose - to close the order and make a minimum price between instruments and between trading tools


ANDREW ZIMINE: 是的,它已經在用少量的交易量運作,隨著時間的推移,它的交易量將持續上升。但人們需要理解,市場造者將會讓市場價格變得更為平穩,它不會創造交易量。



TREVOR LAIRD: Yeah, so people I think get confused and think that the volumes can be faked. But they can’t be faked, it has to be the users who make these volumes.


TREVOR LAIRD:是的,所以我認為這會讓人感到困惑,並且會被認為交易量能夠被造假。 但實際上它們不會偽造交易量,交易量必須由真實的使用者來創造。


TREVOR LAIRD: [25:25] #8 What is the next market that Exscudo is going to expand into?


TREVOR LAIRD: Exscudo預計要擴展的下個市場是哪一個?


ANDREW ZIMINE: After a year of Russian market and the outlying areas at the same time, We have some connections in India. After this we will go to Asia but we have a lot of work in the Europe market.


ANDREW ZIMINE:經過一年,俄羅斯市場與偏遠市場將同時啟動,我們和印度之間有些聯繫,在這之後,我們將會去亞洲擴展市場。我們在歐洲市場仍舊有非常多的工作需要做。


TREVOR LAIRD: Yes so start with Europe and think about that first before focusing on other areas. I think people are curious because there’s users from all over the world who are interested in looking at Exscudo so everyone’s wondering if their country’s next.


TREVOR LAIRD:是的,我們從歐洲開始,在關注其他地域之前會先考慮一下。 因為我們有來自世界各地的用戶,他們對Exscudo會感到有興趣,所以每個人都想知道他們的國家是否是下一個國家。


ANDREW ZIMINE: To be honest we’ve been wanting to work with many countries and many markets like Asia, like Africa and others. But you have some regulatory limitations. On one hand you have classical fiat currencies and on the other hand you have cryptocurrencies which all users can use cross border without limitation. But the governments in all the world try to control all cryptocurrencies. I spoke with some of them - they want it, these countries, but they don’t think about how to do it. We have a blockchain explorer You can see our transactions It’s not a secret. You can try to steal the data from your laptop. Now they try to go from another way. They try to decide this problem by hands of businessmen and crypto enthusiasts.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 說實在的,我們一直希望能與許多國家與市場合作。例如: 亞洲、非洲與其他許多的國家,但你會面臨一些監管上的限制。一方面你有法定貨幣,另一方面你有加密貨幣,加密貨幣可以讓使用者使用跨境金融服務而不受到限制,但世界各國政府都試圖監管所有加密貨幣,我和他們一些人談過,這些國家他們想要加密貨幣,但他們不去思考要如何運用加密貨幣技術,我們有區塊鏈資源管理器,你可以看到我們的交易,這都不是秘密。你可以嘗試從其中取得一些資料,現在他們嘗試從另一個方向走,他們嘗試透過商業人士與加密狂熱者來決定這個問題。


TREVOR LAIRD: So they’re trying to control it even in that way. That makes sense.


TREVOR LAIRD:他們甚至試圖以這種方式控制它,這很合理。


TREVOR LAIRD: [27:45] #9 Can we expect any new products from Exscudo in 2019 and if so what can you tell us?


TREVOR LAIRD: 我們可以期待Exscudo有任何新的產品會在2019年發表嗎?如果有,有什麼能夠和我們說嗎?


ANDREW ZIMINE: This year will be hard. The nearest products is the trading terminal. I’ve been doing the user specific application course to help users who want to trade or start interfacing with the exchange, To make it trading. In general, in this year we will begin to see not a final but a functional product. There are trust accounts on the exchange and marginal trading. Also we brought a permit to provide back access to the advanced trading charts. What about Channels? In Channels we testing calling ,that will work with some satellite not from side of connection, but from side of storing the private key, I hope I can give you information in nearest time about it. And also in Channels we hope In nearest future to make group chat.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 今年很難,最新的產品是交易終端,我一直在做使用者特定的應用課程來幫助那些想要交易或開始與交易所接口的用戶,讓他們能夠順利交易。總而言之,今年我們會開始看見可以運作的產品推出,但那不是最終版本。交易所會有信託帳戶與邊際交易,我們還提供了許可證,提供對進階交易圖表的反向訪問。Channnel 怎樣?我們在Channel測試呼叫功能,這將會和一些衛星運作,但不是從連接的面向,是從私鑰存儲的面向,我希望我能在近期給你相關的資訊,並且我們希望能於Channel上增加群組的功能。


TREVOR LAIRD: Okay, group chat. Yeah.

TREVOR LAIRD: 是的,群組功能,太棒了。


ANDREW ZIMINE: Yes there are also a lot of secret options I cannot talk about. I cannot say to much about these things yet. Whats new also , I single cabinet for all services Exscudo and of course merchant.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 沒錯,我們有很多仍不能透露的機密,因此我不能說太多新功能。我會針對Exscudo現有的功能來介紹,當然其中包括商家系統。


TREVOR LAIRD: Merchant would be the big one there, for sure


TREVOR LAIRD: 我很肯定商家系統是一件大事


ANDREW ZIMINE: It’s the merchant I think [audio cuts out] soon begin the testing and the terminal is almost ready and after we start the marketing program in May or June, we’ll be ready to publish this specification.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 我想商家系統很快就會啟動,它們正在測試中並且它們的終端系統幾乎已經準備妥當,在我們啟動市場行銷計畫之後,也許5月或6月時,我們將會準備好發布這些規範。


TREVOR LAIRD: [30:18] #10 From your perspective, what do you think about the performance of Exscudo products so far? Where do you see us going in 2019? Is this going to be our year to succeed?


TREVOR LAIRD: 從您的觀點,直到今日為止,您如何看待Exscudo產品的效能?您覺得我們在2019年會去哪裡?2019年會是我們成功的一年嗎?


TREVOR LAIRD: It's a big question.


TREVOR LAIRD: 這是一個範圍很大的提問


ANDREW ZIMINE: This year will be hard. And we start It’s not simple terms for us and our team, We make some big restucturing in the company for development [Audio Poor] It’s On this side of development. And we have our next strategy - it’s not changed from what it was 2 years ago. The task force to bring the basic functionality of Exscudo platform to a stable state, we have to give a thought towards what we where able to do and what where our plans. We see that in the market there are more requests for more features that we can give our platform and we will do our best to react to this request as quickly as possible. Right now we are working with two projects on the side - not working, in negotiations with two projects to be a part of Exscudo. And if we finish successfully, this year we will see great news. I will not talk about this deal because we have not signed the contract yet. When we sign I will say that everything goes according to plan. Maybe we’ll try to show you in the nearest time, nearest two weeks but maybe longer , we have been working towards this for the last 3 months.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 很難在今年,並且這對我們團隊來說不是個簡單的字眼能夠形容的。我們在開發這一方面進行一些重大的重建工作,我們有下一個戰略方向,但它和兩年前的理念並沒有變化,這個任務是我們要為Exscudo平台帶來穩定狀態的基本功能,我們必須考慮我們能夠做什麼以及我們的計劃在哪裡。我們看到市場上有很多希望我們可以為我們的平台增加更多功能的請求,我們將盡最大的努力對這些請求做出回應。現在,我們正和另兩個專案進行合作,我們不執行,主要是洽談合作,讓這兩個專案成為Exscudo生態系的一部分。如果我們最終能夠成功,今年我們將會有很棒的消息。我不會說太多關於這方面的事,因為我們現在還沒有簽屬合約。當我們成功簽下合約後,我將會為大家詳述這個計畫。也許我們就會在近期呈現給你們看,也許最近兩周,但也許需要更久的時間。過去三個月,我們已經在這項目上投注了很多心力。


ANDREW ZIMINE: And finally, the community Is very important for us because when you work in some empty bottle Not give you some positive roles. When people say critical things this is normal, And when people say “do something great” or “do something wrong” for the personal opinion we need to correct some services or some functionalities or they found some bugs. And you see people have worked with you, people are interested in what you do. It’s an indicator of success.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 最後我想說,社群對我們來說是非常重要的,因為當我們沒有與社群互動時,我們無法取得一些正面的回饋。社群會提供一些重要的資訊,例如:做這些是很棒的,做這些是不正確的,或他們發現一了一些Bug。社群提供了很寶貴的個人意見,我們可以藉由這些意見來調整我們的服務,讓我們的服務能更好。你可以看見社群的人們與你一起工作,他們對我們的專案感到興趣,這是一個通往成功的重要指標。


TREVOR LAIRD: I think everyone in the community is really excited to see all the updates and all the work and the constant - obviously there is a lot of work on your side. It’s very busy, we know that.


TREVOR LAIRD: 我想,社群中的每個人對於你們努力的工作態度、堅持不變的信念與持續開發的系統更新都會相當的興奮。顯然,你們仍有非常多的工作需要執行,我們知道那將會非常的忙碌。


ANDREW ZIMINE: We have many activities in marketing in the community, focusing on PR for this year. Regarding these activities, we make the focus on products and services.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 我們今年會有許多針對社群,聚焦於公關的市場行銷活動。活動本身而言,主要是和服務與產品有關的活動。


TREVOR LAIRD: Well Andrew, I want to thank you for doing all these questions and answering the community questions, especially in English. I know it’s not your native language so we appreciate it. I’ll do a transcript out for everyone as well and I’m going to get this out as soon as possible because I think the community is really excited to hear your words and hear the answers to these questions. So I just want to thank you again for coming on and doing this.


TREVOR LAIRD: 恩,Andrew,我要感謝你能在百忙之中抽空接受我們的訪談,並回答了社群提出的疑問,尤其是你用英文來回答我們,我知道英文不是你的母語,我們真的很感謝你。我會將今天訪談的內容盡快整理成文檔,社群一定很希望能看到您親自回答這些問題的內容。我要再次感謝你接受我們的訪談。


ANDREW ZIMINE: Thank you Trevor. If the community has questions you can write me. I’ll be honest I don’t have time to read discord daily all the time. In this case I can take time to answer. I think that’s a lot of how our duty is finishing , we have some short time to focus our time on what is done and what needs to be done and developing procedure.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 很感謝你,Trevor。如果社群有任何的疑問,歡迎你將疑問寫給我。我實在是沒有太多時間可以每天看我們discord社群內的文章,如果用這種方式,我就可以抽空來回答社群提出的疑問,我想我們已經達成了許多的階段目標,我們有一些時間可以聚焦於彙整那些是我們已經完成的,那一些是我們需要完成的,並檢視我們的研發排程。



ANDREW ZIMINE: I lost you there for a moment but its back now.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 剛剛通訊中斷,現在通訊恢復了。


TREVOR LAIRD: Yeah it’s been pretty good, I’m surprised how good it’s been. I think that everyone in the community does appreciate you reaching out and making the time. I know you’re trying to keep an eye on the community as well. And the team members you’ve picked to be in the chat now are really good. We have really good communication happening there and I think that’s been a big improvement this year. I think that was a good decision to bring him on board.


TREVOR LAIRD:是的,現在通訊狀態很好。我想社群內的每個人都很感謝您能抽空接受這次的訪談。我知道你十分關注社群,您現在所選擇的社群管理者也非常稱職,現在社群與團隊之間有著良好的溝通,我認為這是今年一個非常大的進步,我認為讓他加入社群管理團隊是一個很好的決定。


ANDREW ZIMINE: Thank you Trevor we have been working on this.


ANDREW ZIMINE: 謝謝,Trevor,我們會持續努力。


TREVOR LAIRD: It’s gotten better compared to last year. It’s gotten a lot better. I appreciate it Andrew, as always. I’m sure we’ll talk about soon.


TREVOR LAIRD: 一年比一年更進步,很感謝你。我相信我們將很快會討論到新的內容。


ANDREW ZIMINE: Okay, thank you Trevor.



ANDREW ZIMINE: 沒問題,十分感謝你,Trevor.


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