

Exscudo團隊在2017年時進行ICO,EON的ICO價格為0.0002BTC的價格,沒有販售完畢的EON會變成額外的倍率配發給投資人,換算過去,EON的成本大約是 1BTC: 35000EON,如果加上損失BCH、BTG、BCD、BSV等等分裂幣的機會成本,我認為ICO初期投資人的EON成本大約在 1BTC: 25000EON,成本相當的高昂。如果你沒有投資ICO,現在才開始關注Exscudo,我想說的是,你真的賺到了。

The Exscudo team issued an ICO in 2017. The ICO price of EON is 0.0002BTC. EON that has not been sold will be distributed to investors at an extra rate. In the past, the cost of EON is about 1BTC: 35000EON. The loss of opportunity cost of split coins such as BCH, BTG, BCD, BSV, etc., I think the EON cost of the initial ICO investor is about 1BTC: 25000EON, which is quite high. If you haven't invested in Exscudo's ICO and you are only now following Exscudo, I would say that it is really easy for you to make big money in the future.



Everyone knows that since the cryptocurrency market broke out in 2017, and until 2019, the entire market is very bad. Most cryptocurrency companies have closed down. In addition to the difficulty in obtaining funds, crypto currency companies are also subject to strong judicial supervision. The intensity of supervision is even far greater than that of banks. During this difficult time, the Exscudo team not only demonstrated its integrity, but also step by step with the market changes and regulatory requirements to achieve many of the promises made at the time of the ICO, and moved towards the goal( next-generation bank).

銀行的本質與最重要的核心是什麼? 就是誠信與承諾,Exscudo團隊與CEO Andrew Zimine表現的精神與專業,讓我完全相信他們有潛力成為真正的次世代銀行。

What is the essence and the most important core of the bank? It is integrity and commitment. The spirit and professional ability of the Exscudo team and their CEO Andrew Zimine make me fully believe that they have the potential to become a real next-generation bank.


If you are looking forward to the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, you can really need to take a moment to research Exscudo.


What did Exscudo accomplish during this time (2017-2019)?

A: 區塊鏈的部分: (blockchain)

     1. EON 區塊鏈

       (EON Blockchain)

     2. EON 幣

      (EON Coin)

     3. EON 彩色幣機制(EON生態圈內透過各種彩色幣進行快速的交易)

      (EON Color Coin System of Exscudo Ecosystem)

     4. 各產品與EON區塊鏈的結合

      (Combination of products and EON blockchain)

     5. 開放節點經營,持有25000EON的用戶即可經營自己的節點獲取被動收入 

      (Users with 25000EON can operate their own nodes to obtain passive income)

     6. EON Explorer與EON節點狀態觀察網站

      (EON Explorer and Website)

 B: Channel App的部分: (Channel App)

     1. Channel App的即時聊天通訊系統(一對一聊天、群組聊天)

      (Channel App's live chat communication system (one-on-one chat, group chat))

     2. 在聊天系統直接發送加密貨幣給朋友

      (Send cryptocurrency directly to friends in the chat)

     3. 信用卡購買加密貨幣

      (Credit card purchase fiat Color Coin)

     4. 支援法定貨幣


     5. 支援SEPA法定貨幣轉帳

      (SEPA support)

     6. 支援影音即時通訊

      (Support video chat)

     7. 官方的financial bot,全自動化的投資與利息發放系統。(本文章的關鍵)

     (financial bot and easy investment)

     8. 支援大量加密貨幣與法定貨幣的錢包

      (multicurrency wallet )

 C: 交易所的部分: (Exchange)

      1. 幣對幣交易

      (Currency-to-currency trading)

      2. 支援彩色幣機制

      (support color coins)

      3. 幣對法定貨幣交易

      (support fial)

      4. 法定貨幣匯入與匯出支援

      (Fiat currency deposit and export withdraw)

      5.支援多國法定貨幣 (歐元、美金、俄羅斯盧布,人民幣)

      (Support for multinational fiat currencies (Euro, US dollar, Russian ruble, RMB))


      (Automate new crypto listing voting system)

      7. 交易API與大量可視化交易資訊圖表

      (Trading API and a large number of visual trading infographics)

      8. 全自動化且高速的提領確認

      (Fully automated and high-speed withdrawal confirmation)

D. 交易終端系統的部分:

      1. 專業且高效的交易終端視窗程式 (trading terminal  desktop app)

E. KYC與符合歐盟法規的部分: 

      1. KYC Lv1 

      2. KYC Lv2 :支援每年15000歐元 (15,000 Euros per year)

      3. KYC Lv3: 無任何存入與取出限制 (no limit)







https://exscudo.com/blog/  官方部落格

https://exscudo.com/  官方網站


1. Teampshop系統(團購系統)

2. Debitcard

3. EON 2.0 Smart Contract


重點來了!!我們來賺高額定存利息 !!! 

1. 下載 Channel App  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exscudo.channels&hl=zh_TW  ,IOS麻煩自己收尋一下 (Download channel app)

2.  申請帳號,設定ping,ping請務必記得,不然錢包之後會打不開。

3. 選擇齒輪狀的設定並備份錢包私鑰(因為資料是紀錄在EON區塊鏈上的)

4. 進入錢包後選擇investment按鈕,就會跳到下圖右方的介面,按下右上的小驚嘆號就會看到左下的藍色畫面 (push EON's investment button)

5. 這個定存的利息是由Exscudo Team在ICO階段保留的EON來支付,團隊也有準備預備金池對存入者的EON本金進行保障

6. 利息固定在周一由系統自動發放,投資時只要按下確認,你的EON就會由financial bot自動處理接下來的所有事情,非常簡單

7. 收到的利息可以再次存入獲取利息,最小存入金額是100EON (min number is 100 EON)

8. 存入的金額越高利息越高,一般通常都是4%~30萬EON說實在也不少阿!!! 

9. 你可以透過信用卡直接存入歐元,再轉換為EON。歐元存入的時間幾乎是即時的,歐元轉換為EON也是,包含操作,5分鐘內可以完成。



Exscudo is a company worthy of long-term investment. After participating in the EON deposit plan, you can receive high fixed deposit interest while waiting for its development. This is really a great investment for value investors


Investment have risky, and you must carefully consider your risk tolerance


This article is my investment experience sharing

「Channel app Exscudo」的圖片搜尋結果


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