

1- The exchange has suffered from a major lack of liquidity for a long time now, what is the plan to solve this?


Very good question. I will start from the beginning as to why our trading platform has not become popular. First, in 2017 we mistakenly assumed that the market lacks professional trading solutions. As the market has shown, in most cases, the exchange turnover is clearly twisted and the benchmark for past performance is false. Secondly, we did not actively advertise (rather, we did not do any advertising at all) because we felt that we had not yet finished everything. There was still functionality that should be included in the release, something else could always be improved, and we didn’t want to attract an audience to an unfinished product. That's why, apart from indirect materials announcing that the exchange was working, and we were cleaning up certain decisions, there was no marketing. Thirdly, just like the old as the world question of the chicken and the egg – there was no liquidity. No users, no users = no liquidity. So how are we going to solve this problem? By the time this interview is released we will have already launched the MultiBroker. In fact, from the very beginning we have not been doing an exchange anymore, but rather a brokerage system; and what we have managed to implement as a result is a really powerful tool for working with financial markets, and not only cryptocurrency ones. The MultiBroker connects to other existing exchanges and provides extended trading functionality to users from a single window, from a single account. Moreover, we have identified a market problem in the area of protection of client funds on trading platforms. As soon as we get the support of the cryptographic community, we are ready to offer a new standard of secure storage of funds in the depository to eliminate, as a class, the risks of dishonest exchanges and hacker attacks on these exchanges, as a result of which ordinary users suffer. We plan to develop our own site through a listing of unique projects and a referral program.We consider community development to be one of the most important growth factors. We are starting a phase of active product marketing and now we are conducting a number of web resource optimizations that will allow our community to grow as more and more users visit our sites.Some of them you can already see. For example, the new multi-broker licensing is already in production. We will tell you about some of them very soon - in early November.Fixing the lack of publicity is our primary goal. How will we fix it? We have a number of activities planned that we are preparing for the release of products - we will communicate with the media, plan major publications, set up direct marketing, prepare referral programs, communicate with several influencers, as well as with exchanges and plan interesting and creative promotions to spur further interest in the products.

I think that as soon as November you will start to see the results of our actions :).


Q: Exscudo交易所面臨著缺少流量的困境,請問你們對於這個困境有什麼解決方案?


A: 這是一個很好的問題,我將會從頭開始解釋關於我們的交易所沒有受到歡迎的原因。首先,在2017年時我們錯誤的認為市場缺乏專業的交易解決方案,如同市場所顯示的,在大部分的情況下,交易所的交易量是扭曲的,並且它們過去的歷史資訊是虛假的。其次,因為我們認為我們的產品尚未完成,所以我們沒有啟動市場行銷(甚至可以說,我們完全沒有做任何市場行銷)。那就是為什麼即使我們的交易所已經開始運作,我們仍只有間接性的宣布這件事,而沒有主動地進行行銷的原因。第三,這是一個雞生蛋蛋生雞的問題,當沒有使用者時就不會有流量,沒有流量也沒辦法吸引使用者,我們將如何解決這個問題呢?當這個AMA訪談開始前,我們就已經啟動了MultiBroker(經紀人系統)。事實上,我們從非常初期就已經不將開發交易所設為我們的主要目標,我們的主要目標是「經紀人系統」,我們嘗試著實踐的是一個非常強大的金融平台,一個可用於整體金融市場的平台,而非單一用來服務加密貨幣市場的工具。


2- What are your plans for the product development? How will those products make profits for EON investors?


Once again, I would like to clarify the question from the very beginning. The investors of Exscudo have invested in the technologies that we are developing, which today it is the EON Blockchain, Multibroker, the Channels app and crypto acquiring. If we look at the market picture right now, the EON token itself does not correlate in any way with the functional part. It has mainly utilitarian properties and solves the ecosystem maintenance issues. From the very beginning, we have been developing in such a way as not to invent a new way of hyping - apparently a decision that gets critiqued the most. We did not give falsely expected "X's" as other projects. I have stated many times that we aim for a long term strategy to develop something that millions will use. Nobody will remember "successful" projects that brought some early investors "X's". But if we return to the financial part of the project, in the near future we will publish the development plans of the project, which will reflect the material interest of early investors (at the moment the economy is going through the final stage of testing the model). I really hope that we will meet the expectations of people who believed in us.


A:請問關於產品的開發您有什麼計畫嗎? 這些產品將會如何創造EON投資人的收益?


Q:我想再一次重新說明這個問題。投資人已經投資了我們的產品,那就是EON區塊鏈、channel app、和加密貨幣的買賣。如果我們看一下市場的情況,市場和EON並沒有直接的關聯性,它具有功利性,它解決了生態系維護上的困難。從最開始,我們就從開發產品的角度來做事並沒有從創造短期收益的方式來進行專案,顯然這一點受到的批評最多,我們並沒有像其他專案一樣在短期內為部分投資人產生X倍的收益,我陳述過很多次,我們以創造可以讓數百萬人使用的產品為戰略目標,未來沒有人會記得那些曾經為部分早期投資人創造X倍獲利的「成功」專案。如果我們回歸金融的角度來看我們的專案,近期,我們將發佈我們專案的開發計畫,這個計畫將讓初期投資人透析他們未來可能獲得的實質收益(目前我們的產品正在測試的最後階段),我真心希望我們能達到那些相信我們的人的期待。


3. 6 months ago the talk was all about Exscudo debit and credit cards, what happened to this plan?


The plans have not changed. We passed the last MasterCard test in August and I hope that early next year we will please our users with the opportunity to buy goods and services in stores through Channels. In general, there is a lot to say about how classical financial institutions work with the new market – the market of decentralized finance, and I really hope that after the launch of the main products I will have time to share my opinion in detail - I think many people will be interested in what the banking sector is like from the inside.




A:關於這個,計畫並沒有改變,我們在八月時通過了MasterCard的測試,我希望在明年初讓我們的使用者能透過channel app購物。總的來說,我們有很多關於傳統金融與去中心化金融是如何協作的機制想向我們的使用者解釋。我真的很希望在成功發佈主要產品後,會有時間能解釋那些細節,相信很多人對這些機制會相當有興趣。


4- Will our community move to channels in the future?


In the next 6-8 months we don’t plan to transfer the community to Channels, because for convenience we need a desktop client, In our production plan for this period there is no desktop client until March 2021, but this issue was raised more than once. If there is a request from the community we will include it in our product roadmap.


Q:我們的社群會搬遷到channel app上嗎 ?


A:在未來的6~8個月我們沒有計畫要搬遷我們的社群到channel app上,因為為了方便起見我們需要桌機版的用戶端,這個需求已經被提出很多次,以目前我們的產品規劃內,直到2021年3月都不會有桌機版的規劃,但如果社群有需求,我們將會把桌機版的開發包含進我們的開發路線圖內。


5- As a new user what do you think is the most attractive reason for me to buy EON? Is there any reason why I should want to buy a lot of EON?


To be fair - right now you would need to be a very careful and cunning investor to understand Exscudo's strategy, but we are working to make our milestones more clear. I will try to explain just about EON. EON has 2 properties: Utilitarian - an interest to developers, and Financial - for those who want to bet on passive income (after the publication of the project, everything will be clear, but for now I can not disclose details unfortunately). This is more true for EON 2.0.


Q: 對於一個新使用者,你認為最吸引新使用者購買EON的原因是什麼? 有任何原因會讓新使用者想購買大量的EON嗎?

A: 說實在,以現在的情況,你必須是個非常細心且有洞見的投資人才能了解我們的戰略。我們現在正努力將我們的目標設定的更明確,讓投資人能更了解我們的規劃。我將嘗試解釋一下EON2.0,

EON2.0具有兩種屬性 1.功利性(對開發商具有吸引力) 2.財務性(針對被動收入) ,可惜我目前沒辦法透漏更多的訊息,特別是EON2.0,但這一切在我們的系統發佈後就會變得相當明確。 


6- Can you tell us more about EON 2.0? Has the development progress of EON 2.0 exceeded 50%? Do you expect when EON 2.0 will be launched?


EON 1.0 or the current network is a sort of a test site for testing services that we plan to scale outward in network version 2. To date, I can confidently say that the first iteration of the network passed the test and confirmed our main hypotheses, which we took into account in the new update.


EON 2.0 is a multi-network, which has several contours: storage of account states, the first contour, and a payment network, which is responsible for transactions, the second contour. The third contour is the user networks (we will allow to connect compatible protocols to our network).


The main tasks that we have solved - the notorious transaction rate - we have about 1500 transactions per second - I think more is not necessary at the moment. The unity of business requirements (I will explain with an example: imagine you created a contract on the network based on current economic indicators, but time has passed and the cost of fees, like ETH gas, for the execution of your contract has increased - your contract becomes economically unprofitable - so we have solved this problem, and developing at the EON you can be sure that the requirements for contract execution will not change over time, regardless of how much the network token costs and how much the network is loaded). And that’s not even everything, I will save the biggest banger for the final reveal. The network itself is already ready. Now we are engaged in testing the environment, a new site, preparation of migration, as well as documentation and hope in November or December, i.e. before the end of the year will be launched.


Q: 可以請您和我們說多一點關於EON2.0的訊息嗎? EON2.0的開發已經超過50%了嗎? 您有預期EON2.0何時會發佈嗎?


A: 目前的區塊鏈EON1.0可以說是測試點,我們打算在EON2.0時將我們的主要功能進行擴展。到目前為止,我可以很有自信的說,EON區塊鏈的第一次迭代已經通過了測試,我們對於新技術的主要假說也已經過得驗證。EON2.0是個具有多框架的多重網絡,框架一: 負責存儲帳戶狀態、框架二: 負責支付網絡的運作、框架三:屬於用戶網絡,我們允許用戶將兼容協議連結到我們的網絡內。我們目前已經解決的主要問題包含區塊鏈系統最讓人詬病的交易速度問題,我們的區塊鏈有超過每秒1500筆交易的速度,目前更快的速度對生態系來說並不是主要的問題。另外,業務的一致性,我將會用個舉例來做解釋,想像一下,假設你建立了一個智能合約,這個智能合約依據外部的經濟指標來運作,但隨著時間的過去,交易費用,如ETH的gas,隨著時間過去變得越來越昂貴,這會讓您的智能合約變得無利可圖,我們解決了這個問題,當您在EON上開發您的合約時,您將不用再去擔心隨著時間的推移,您的合約會受到網絡的交易費用和區塊鏈網路承載量的影響。這並非全部,我保留了我們解決的最大困難。EON2.0網路本身已經準備就緒,我們正在準備環境測試、新節點遷移設置、以及操作文檔的編撰,我希望EON2.0在11月或12月,在2020年底前正式啟動。



7- Why not open source? Is Exscudo much safer compared to other bank apps/ exchanges?


If we are talking about services like the exchange or mobile application, there is no point in making it open for various reasons: from the possibility of fraud, to architectural mismatch of services. If we are talking about the blockchain - the source code is open.


Again, I'll try to explain in simple words what the Exscudo project is. There are several levels: the transport level of interaction of services - it's the EON blockchain, the services themselves as beads on a string clinging to the EON machine. For what it is necessary - the main problem in any architecture when there is an interaction of two or more services between each other - this is where security problems firstly arise. Secondly, if security problems are closed - there are problems with speed. And thirdly - universality (it is necessary to "befriend" different types of objects and data with each other). We make an open protocol for the services and these services can be both classical (centralized) and decentralized. That will allow us to extend the EON implementation level and consequently to get more audience and usage cases. Let me cite one last example - CryptoKittie’s sensational project on Ethereum couldn't go further due to problems of parent network scaling. If NFT sinking had been launched on the EON network - there wouldn't have been such a problem.


Q: 為什麼不將專案開源呢? Exscudo有比其它的交易所或銀行的app更加安全嗎?


A: 再一次,我會用簡單的文字來描述Exscudo是一個什麼形式的專案。有數個層級,服務的交互傳輸層級,服務的本身是基於EON區塊鏈上的字串,在任何交互的結構上會出現的主要問題,安全是第一個浮出的問題,其次,當安全問題處理後,速度的問題將浮現出來,第三個問題是通用性,如何讓不同型別的物件和資料間能交互溝通讓它們成為朋友,我們已經為服務建構了開放的協議,那些服務可以是中心化的也可以是去中心化的,這讓EON區塊鏈能夠被應用於更寬廣的情境,並讓更多的使用者來使用。我再舉一個例子,因為主網路擴展的問題,CryptoKittie專案在ETH上無法走得更遠,如果同樣的專案在EON區塊鏈上佈署,它不會遇到這種問題。


8- Many original EON investors feel left behind; will any of your planned upcoming developments or products make profits for EON investors (i.e. improve the value of EON)?


Unfortunately, we did not predict the problems related to the project implementation quite correctly and some of our plans had to be adjusted. This is due to both the regulatory and market interference in the industry as well as the complexity of development (yes, I admit that we didn’t fully realize the development scope in the early days), but I believe that the hardest part is over and we will show what we have been able to do this year, including for the investors who believed in us.


Q: 許多初始的EON投資者感到失望,您未來所規劃的系統研發或產品是否有機會為EON投資者獲得一些利潤?或是提升EON本身的價值。





9- The government continues to increase the supply of US dollars and Euros. Although cryptocurrencies want to change this, they must rely on fiat currencies to have purchasing power. What are your thoughts on this and the future of cryptocurrencies? Exscudo can bring users. What are the different opportunities?




10- Where do you see Exscudo from now until 1-5 years? Do you have short, medium and long-term plans?


It's an excellent question, and I'm really glad that it came from our audience, there are people with us who think and look ahead. Get ready - there are many words ahead.

We have short- and medium-term plans, as well as an idea of how we see Exscudo in the future (long-term plans).

Exscudo is an ecosystem - we are developing both the protocol itself - to enable companies and developers to develop their own solutions for their users based on EON, as well as services. Part of the investors' claims to us is due to a misunderstanding of what we are doing, which I will try to explain now. We do not need to be compared with most projects that are designed to achieve short-term effect through marketing or creating a hype. I won't point a finger at anyone - but almost nobody has achieved anything other than the cost of a token on the exchange in our industry. Exscudo should be compared with others... imagine that Nicola Tesla would spend his time crowdfunding and collect investments for the invention of electricity. He would have attracted some money, invented electricity and then what? Would investors have received dividends in six months, a year... five years? I think not. The invention of electricity itself is very utilitarian in nature, without infrastructure it makes no economic sense. On the other hand, can you imagine where we would be now without its invention?


But let's go back to Exscudo. When we conceived the project, we looked first and foremost at the financial sector. All industries, without exception, are striving for consolidation - the removal of intermediaries from their chains. What are banks today? - That's right, intermediaries, and also a tool through which the regulator affects the industry. Will you be able to send money through a bank, for example from Malaysia to Afghanistan or Peru? And if you succeed, what is the time and cost it will take you? How justified are the fees charged by payment systems when transferring money (the average price worldwide is 5% of the transfer amount)? How transparent and fair is the financial system today? I am talking about the monopoly of states in terms of emission policy. We change our work, our time for money orders, the value of which can be easily revalued in the foreseeable future, subject to transaction rules that are not always logical and fair.


We may be refused the opening of a bank account (effectively denied access to finance) on the basis of "wrong" citizenship, for example. Or worse, to unilaterally close an account without explanation and ruin our plans. And what is a currency exchange? It is the same market only on different scales - when someone wants to buy and someone wants to sell, only the bank receives not quite adequate commission for this transaction. We, through EON blockchain and our services, are trying to solve these problems, being between market conditions of the game on the one hand and regulation of different countries on the other.


But there is one big nuance in all this - if only we think so, the project has no chance of success, and if the problem is really urgent (as shown by numerous studies and the very existence and spread of Bitcoin) - then all early followers will be rewarded for their faith and patience, and future users will receive a powerful and convenient tool comparable in influence with the invention of electricity. Whatever cool and ingenious technologies and services we develop, without community support it makes no sense. We have made a conclusion during the last 3 years - and we are becoming more friendly in terms of declaring our intentions and explaining the technology to the audience and I am very grateful that you stay with us to watch the project develop.


Q: 您如何看待接下來的1~5年,請問您有短、中、長期的計畫嗎?


Exscudo是一個生態系統-我們正在開發協議本身-使公司和開發人員能夠基於EON開發自己的解決方案。投資者向我們索賠的部分原因是由於對我們所做的事情有誤解,我現在將嘗試解釋一下。我們無需將其與大多數旨在通過市場營銷或大肆宣傳達到短期效果的項目進行比較。我不會指責任何人,但在我們行業中,除了代幣降低的成本外,幾乎沒有人能取得任何其他成就。 Exscudo應該與其他人進行比較,你們想像一下Nicola Tesla 花費他的時間進行眾籌並收集電力發明的投資。他本來會吸引一些錢,發明電力,然後呢?投資者會在六個月,一年或五年內收到股息嗎?我想不會,電力的發明本質上是非常有用的,但如果沒有基礎設施就無法產生經濟價值。另一方面,您能想像如果沒有這個發明,我們現在的社會會是什麼樣貌?

讓我們回到Exscudo。當我們構思這個專案時,我們最早關注的是金融領域。所有行業沒有例外的都在努力進行整合,嘗試利用區塊鏈中消除中介商。今天,銀行是什麼? 是的,是中介機構,也是監管者影響各行行各業的工具。您能否通過銀行匯款,例如從馬來西亞匯款到阿富汗或秘魯?如果您成功了,那將花費您多少時間和成本?付款系統轉賬時收取的費用能有多合理(全球平均價格為轉賬金額的5%)?今天的金融體係能有多透明和公平?我說的是國家在貨幣政策方面的壟斷。我們會改變工作,匯票時間,但在交易規則約束下,可以在可預見的將來輕鬆重估其價值。

















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