1. Unity : Super Easy Encryption   (if you have any issue with our api please mail to hanfeivsvs@gmail.com)

(75) SuperEasyEncryption-UnityTool - YouTube

this is a very very easy to use Unity Plugin Encryption API



(a).  How To Use Hash (SHA512) (如何使用Hash? SHA512)

   Debug.Log("apple-->SHA Hash :> "+VsSHA512.to_SHA_hash(inputString));

(b). How To Use Hash (MD5) (如何使用Hash? SHA512)

   Debug.Log("apple-->MD5 Hash :> " + VsMd5.to_MD5_hash(inputString));

(c). How To Use RSA Signature

        VsRSA rsa = VsRSA.createInstance();

        VsRSA.Keystore rsaKeys = rsa.getKeystore();

        string signature = rsa.createSignatureString("apple", rsaKeys.getPrivatekey());

        Debug.Log("apple RSA Signature :>" + signature);
        Debug.Log("verify signature :>" + rsa.verifySignature(signature, rsaKeys.getPublickey(), "apple"));


(d). How To Use RSA Encryption / Decryption

        string enString= rsa.encrypt(rsaKeys.getPublickey(), "apple");
        Debug.Log("encryption string :>" + enString);

        string deString= rsa.decrypt(rsaKeys.getPrivatekey(),enString);
        Debug.Log("decryption string :>" + deString);


 (e). How To Use AES Encryption / Decryption


        VsAES aes = VsAES.createInstance();

        string encryptionStr = aes.encrypt("apple", "password");  //  (string you want to encryption ), (password you need)
        Debug.Log("aes encryption string :>"+encryptionStr);

        string decryptionStr = aes.decrypt(encryptionStr, "password");
        Debug.Log("aes decryption string :>" + decryptionStr);





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